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Mary Whiton Calkins Famous Quotes

Mary Whiton Calkins: A Trailblazing Psychologist

Early Life and Education

Mary Whiton Calkins was born on March 30, 1863, in Buffalo, New York. She graduated from Smith College in 1884 and earned a master's degree from Harvard University in 1892.

Did you know? Calkins was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, but the university refused to award her the degree due to her gender.

Career and Contributions to Psychology

Despite facing discrimination, Calkins became a renowned psychologist. She conducted groundbreaking research on dreams, memory, and self-psychology.

  • Proposed the "paired-association" theory of memory
  • Developed a theory of self as a "knower" and "known"
  • Served as the 14th President of the American Psychological Association (APA) - the first woman to hold the position


Mary Whiton Calkins' contributions to psychology have had a lasting impact on the field. Her work has inspired generations of researchers and practitioners.

Here are some of her memorable quotes:

  • "Psychology is the science of the self."
  • "The mind is not a thing, but a process."
  • "The future of psychology lies in the study of consciousness."


Mary Whiton Calkins was a visionary psychologist who overcame adversity to make significant contributions to the field. Her legacy continues to inspire and guide us today.
